Comedy Movie: **THE NASTY RABBIT (Spies a Go-Go)** "American Spy Comedy" 1964

  • Uploaded 8 years ago in the category Movies

    The Nasty Rabbit (also known as Spies a-Go-Go) is a 1964 American spy comedy directed by James Landis.

    The film was produced and co-written by Arch Hall Sr.



    The Nasty Rabbit (also known as Spies a-Go-Go) is a 1964 American spy comedy directed by James Landis.

    The film was produced and co-written by Arch Hall Sr.

    who plays two roles in the film.

    The film stars Misha Terr and Hall's son Arch Jr and was shot in Techniscope in Wyoming.

    In this movie a Russian submarine lands one of their agents disguised as a cowboy carrying a rabbit that is carrying a deadly virus.

    The Soviets plan for the rabbit to infect the United States through breeding with American rabbits with the goal of killing large numbers of Americans.(Wiki) Welcome to Bobs Time Travel TV.

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  • # nasty rabbit# movie# comedy# comedy movie# Spies a-Go-Go# American spy comedy# Misha Terr# Arch Hall Jr# Techniscope# Wyoming# 1960's# James Landis# gadzooks# worldcast# bobs# bobs time travel tv# classic tv# metv# tv land# retro tv
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