Superman is the first installment in a series of seventeen animated Technicolor short films (cartoons) based upon the DC Comics character Superman. Also known as The Mad Scientist, Superman was produced by Fleischer Studios and released to
The Mechanical Monsters is the second of the seventeen animated Technicolor short films based upon the DC Comics character Superman. Produced by Fleischer Studios, the story features Superman battling a mad scientist with a small army of ro
The Great Dan Patch is a 1949 American film directed by Joseph M. Newman about the story of the legendary trotting horse Dan Patch. The film is also known as Ride a Reckless Mile (American reissue title), and Dan Patch. After the death of
The Amazing Transparent Man is a 1960 science fiction film starring Marguerite Chapman. It is an American B-movie which follows the story of an insane ex–U.S. Army major who uses an escaped criminal to steal materials to improve the invis