Abbott and Costello Go to Mars is a 1953 American science fiction comedy film from Universal-International, produced by Howard Christie, directed by Charles Lam
...Abbott and Costello Go to Mars is a 1953 American science fiction comedy film from Universal-International, produced by Howard Christie, directed by Charles Lamont, that stars the comedy team of Abbott and Costello.
The film's storyline concerns the misadventures of Lester and Orville who accidentally find themselves aboard a rocketship bound for Mars, or so they think.
Instead, they wind up landing at the New Orleans Mardi Gras thinking they have landed on the Red Planet.
The pair are forced by bank robbers Mugsy and Harry to fly to the planet Venus, where they encounter a civilization consisting entirely of beautiful women.
Despite the film's title, no character in the film travels to the planet Mars.(Wiki) WELCOME to Bobs Time Travel TV.
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